Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pro Choice or Pro life, What's your stand?

Abortion has been a nationally debated issue for centuries. These debates are entitled pro-choice or pro life. “In the United States, the history of abortion goes back much further than the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal. "  Abortion is not like any other issue that is being debated today. Millions of American women have aborted a children. Many woman describe this as a painful process. In addition woman have had mental side effects from this procedure.Other feel that all forms of abortion are morally wrong and should be illegal.

 Pro-life :  
Herman Cain's Stand on Abortion "Pro -Life"

"This means that, in any debate, you may face an invisible thumb on the scale so that even the best logic will fail to persuade. The best you can do is arm yourself with the facts and deliver them in what you hope will be a winning way for your audience meaning you will need to make your case, in most instances, not in the language of faith or religion but in the language of the post-modern secularist.

The "classic" arguments from the other side are collapsing under the weight of science. "No one knows when life begins" and "It's a blob of tissue" are frankly on the wane, especially in the context of surgical abortion, which is how the vast majority of abortions are done today."

 Chelsea  on  U-Tube Pro- Choice

"Women who are raped or victims of incest should not be forced to carry out a pregnancy. Odds are that 1 in 3 women will be victims of sexual violence in her lifetime. Does this mean that 33% of all women should be forced to carry out a pregnancy from this violation? Considering how many people are killed during childbirth should we allow this further risk to endured on top of what has already been done?
 Reproductive restrictions do not end with abortion. Many people also argue that contraception itself is wrong—another mainly-religious philosophy—and will deny women the protection they need based on this belief. There are legislative acts that allow actual pharmacists to deny women their birth control because of their beliefs; does this not violate the Hippocratic Oath, case he uses it to rape? You never know."

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