Sunday, August 5, 2012

Anyone's Privacy can be Invaded

When someone says ”What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” What comes to mine? The initial thoughts were confidentiality or privacy. While talking with people in my local community there was discussions surrounding major celebrities and there privacy. However the celebrity’s weren’t the only victim’s of privacy invaded many community members spoke out. However there has been local cases of emails hacking and peeping toms that videotaping through windows.

Shereen Williams at a Eagles VIP event keep every confidential No videos camera were allowed on the players to keep their plays confidential
A Middletown, Delaware 40-year-old woman states that, “My personal email was hacked and all identifying information was stolen. My money was stolen out of her account and credit cards were opened her name. I felt totally violated. When I became aware that someone was invading privacy notified the local police depart and filed charges. I became very familiar with the tort for invasion of privacy laws and identify theft laws in Delaware. I currently run a class at the local YMCA that Protect Your Identity” She stated the things I have done to protect myself are, I currently change my email passwords every three months and I place uppercase and lowercase letters in her password this cause its harder to break”.

Shereen Williams changing all passwords to emails and social web sites
The state of Delaware recognizes the common-law tort for invasion of privacy, which provides that one who invades the right of privacy of another is subject to liability for the resulting harm to the interests of the other person. Four separate claims compose this tort, and Delaware recognizes all four claims (Beckett v. Trice, C.A. No. 92C-08-029 (Del. Super. Ct. 1994).

The right of privacy is invaded by:
• Unreasonable intrusions upon the seclusion of others;
• Appropriating another name or likeness;
• Giving unreasonable publicity to another private life; or
• Using publicity that unreasonably places another in a false light before the public.

State law prohibits the unauthorized interception of wire, oral, and electronic communications, with certain specific exceptions. Anyone who willfully commits an interception, attempts to commit an interception, or procures another person to commit or attempt an interception of any wire, oral, or electronic communication may be punished with fines and imprisonment. The law further prohibits disclosing or using the communication that was obtained illegally.

Exceptions. Although there are several exceptions to this law, the exceptions most relevant to employers are the consent exception and the “ordinary course of business” exception. Under the consent exception, it is lawful to intercept a communication in which the person is a party to the communication, or one of the parties to the communication has given prior consent to the interception. To fall within the ordinary course of business exception, the employer must be a provider of a wire or electronic communications service.

Reality Star Shanda Freemen left and Shereen Williams right  discussing the rights to her promotional video be posted on a blog

Geragos a celebrity attorney, "he has helped to settle a $2.5 million lawsuit against the owner of a charter jet company that is now defunct. The company reportedly recorded Geragos and his attorney partner along with Michael Jackson as the group flew from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara. The flight occurred when Jackson was going to turn himself in because of child molestation charges. In 2010, a $20 million award to the attorneys was thrown out by an appeals court, which then offered to give the attorneys $750,000. Kabateck said that he was happy with the amount of the settlement and would strongly work to collect all of it. He also said that the amount of the settlement would hopefully send a strong message to others trying to do such a thing".

"Borer and one of his associates pled guilty to conspiracy almost two years ago in the case of videotaping Jackson and his two lawyers. Jackson was later acquitted of the 14 charges against him in the case. The lawyer for Borer, Hirschbaum, claims that Geragos and Harris did not have any damages that could be proven. Instead, the settlement helped all involve stay away from a three or four day retrial of the case. The invasion of privacy lawsuit was filed against Borer and XtraJet in November of 2003 by Geragos, Harris and Jackson. Jackson removed himself as a plaintiff in April of 2005”.

The Delaware laws are very clear when it come to invasion of privacy. In the Jackson case it proved that Mr. Jackson was truly a victim of invasion of privacy. This predator was exposed and tried and fined heavily. This case should be a model to all present to all journalists. This action will cause journalist to think and ask for permission before you posting questionable footage.

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